Heatime HR System
Canadian Export Project
Estrous Detection.
Proper detection of a cow’s estrous cycle is vital in producing healthy, good quality livestock. The beginning of the estrous cycle is a critical indicator for when to fertilize the cattle (Lamb et al., 2009). By fertilizing the cattle at the proper time, there is a better usage of the semen when artificially inseminating. Estrous cycle detection can also illustrate any health issues that could be associated with irregularities in the cow’s cycle (CIAQ, n.d.). Properly timed estrous cycles in cattle ensure that the cow is in good health and that it is fertile (CIAQ, n.d.). Fertility is a key component for the raising of livestock, as profit is made from the direct result of fertilization (calf), and also the indirect product (milk)(Wolfenson et al., 1995). Estrous cycle detection has recently become a new feature in the cattle industry, due to its ability to improve fertility while limiting the amount of semen doses used (CIAQ, n. d.). This can also promote herd health in the cows that use heat detection systems (Ireland et al., 1980). Improving health and fertility is of upmost importance when raising livestock, as they both relate to the quality of the product being generated (Wolfenson et al., 1995).

From: holsteinusa.com